Monday, August 20, 2012

Thinking About Writing and Monday Morning Weigh In

So I am thinking about writing. I was asked years ago to consider writing a book and maybe this is the time. I have many thoughts stirring around in my head about faith, life, family, running, health, relationships. Time to maybe put some "pen to paper". I don't think I have something "special" to offer. Many things I have to say have been said already. But for me, learning from others experiences and insights have contributed to my life in great ways. Maybe this could be a way of giving back. More on this in the near future. I have a few themes running through my head. I will see how this plays out.

Monday Morning Weigh In
Starting Weight: 119kg (261lbs)
Last Week: 108.8kg (239.4lbs)
Today: 107.2kg (235.8lbs)

WOOHOO! That's a loss of 1.6kg (3.9lbs)

Now that's a good week! It paid off to focus on nutrition.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Monday, August 13, 2012

Mother's Day Run & Monday Morning Weigh In

Not much to report. Ran a 10k yesterday for Mother's Day. Jog & Joy puts together a wonderful race and we got to run the streets of Bangkok. In the last kilometer or so I saw a guy (or girl) running in a full panda suit. If I didn't beat them I didn't know what I would do. Lol. Needless to say I ended up beating the "sweat panda" by about 2 minutes or so. I can say I knocked some serious time of my 10k time. I ran the Adidas King of the Road in 1:14:20 (7:10 pace). I ran the Mother's Day mini-marathon in 1:05:39 (6:57 pace). Thailand puts together some great racing events. If you are a runner you should come make a "running vacation" here. Well worth it. Anyhow...

Monday Morning Weigh In:

Starting weight: 119kg (261.8lbs)
Last Week: 109kg (239.8lbs)
This Week: 108.8kg (239.4lbs)

It's all about nutrition. I am getting it back on track. Here's to big losses next week.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Looking Back - Not Always a Bad Thing

So I have been running a lot lately. It has been an amazing shift in my mind and heart. When I first moved to Thailand I thought for sure my running days were over with all the heat. But finally I made the decision to just try. Best decision I ever made.

I decided to start walk/run to break in slow. Then sometime in June I decided to start running. I decided to look back at my past runs on my Garmin Forerunner 101. Here are a few samples:
  • June 12th - 8:38km pace for 5.2km
  • June 14th - 8:16km pace for 4.78km
  • June 20th - 7:51km pace for 3.24km
  • June 26th - 7:39km pace for 4.92km
  • July 07th - 7:33km pace for 5.11km
  • July 19th - 7:18km pace for 5.50km
  • July 29th - 7:11km pace for 10.35km
  • Aug 02nd - 6:55km pace for 6.44km
  • Aug 09th - 6:35km pace for 6.44km
Sometimes when I feel discouraged or wonder what progress I am making it is good to look back. It isn't always bad. It's important for us to track our progress. It reminds us of where we were and what we are becoming. If you haven't started keeping track, start. It's encouraging to do so. In 2 months I knocked off 2 minutes off my pace. I wouldn't have known that if I didn't follow up.

I know we are told to not look back and only look forward, but sometimes to glance back reminds of where we were, where we are and gives us hope for the future. Press on.

Monday, August 6, 2012

FOMO & Monday Morning Weigh In


Fear. Of. Missing. Out.

We have hit race season it seems in Thailand. Every weekend there seems to be a 1/2 marathon or mini marathon (10k). A week ago I ran the King of the Road 10k in Bangkok. This weekend I am going to be running the Mother's Day 10k Run in honor of her Majesty the Queen and Mom's everywhere.

There is an Ocean to Ocean Run that the running group and I are really excited about. We are going to run in a team of 8 from one coast to the other. It is about 136.6km done from sun up to sundown. See in all these races my friends are running and many from the running community turn out for these as well. I have a Fear Of Missing Out. But I know I have to start saying no. Why? Because I have goals and a plan. At some point my training has to win out over these races.

See I am in training for the Bangkok Marathon in November. That requires specific training and focus. And I also chose a follow up race in February. It is The North Face 100. I will be running a 50km race. It is about 5 miles farther than a marathon. It is an entry level race to ultra running.

So at some point I have to say no to the good and say yes to what I know I need to do. It is true in life. There are many good things to say yes to but in the end it can lead to being distracted from your goals. So we need to be able to recognize when the "good things" are keeping us from what we are "called to". Because I tell you what FOMO could lead to DNF (Did Not Finish). I want to finish. And hey, my running mates have similar goals as well so I know I will have comrades along the way. Cheers.

Monday Morning Weigh In
Starting Weight: 119kg (261.8lbs)
Last week: 109.2kg (240.2 lbs)
This Week: 109.0kg (239.8lbs) - Hey, it's progress!