Wednesday, September 19, 2012

7 Something / รัก 7 ปี ดี 7 หน

I am a sucker for a good movie. What about you? I love movies that capture the heart and soul of an idea or an ideal. I love movies that speak to the heart of the things I am passionate about. Don't get me wrong, I love watching Hot Rod as much as the next guy, but I love a movie rich in meaning. Living in Thailand they released a movie earlier this year called 7 Something or in Thai, "รัก 7 ปี ดี 7 หน"

It is a movie made up of 3 short stories by 3 different producers. The last story is a love story written around a marathon. Whoever wrote the script really had insider knowledge of the excitement, worries and fears of marathon training and running. If you ever get a chance, check it out. The other story lines are great as well. Here is a trailer:

What running movies inspire you? Or what movies inspire you to run?

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