Monday, October 8, 2012

Del Shannon, Gaemi, 15k and Monday Morning Weigh In

Ran in the rain today. Wow. What a great experience. For the first time in Bangkok I felt cold while running. I am sure it was still in 70's. I ran 15k today; the first 3 laps with with my friend Iain and the last 3 with my friend Gaemi, but she was suffering from depression.;). (Thailand joke?) Anyways, nothing too deep or profound to share here but I did have a very unique song stuck in my head for the last hour of running. Like I said before, I don't listen to music while I run, but when I do it is usually the voices in my head. 

Monday Morning Weigh In: 
Starting Weight June 11th: 119kg (261lbs) 
Last Monday: 107.5kg (237lbs) 
Today: 107.2kg (236.3lbs)

1 comment:

  1. I love that song! Have never listened to it when running mind you :) I just had a quick look through your blog. Congratulations on your weight loss journey, you are very inspiring. I have been fighting a battle with weight and eating disorders since I was 18. Since moving to Thailand in January I have lost almost 20 kilos (still have another 20 to go) and finally feel in control. It's going to be a long journey to goal but I finally feel confident I will get there. Looking forward to following your blog and perhaps meeting you one day at one of the running meet ups :) Sharon James
