Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday Morning Weigh In is Back

My last post was about fear.Well I got a confession: I purposely stayed off the scale while I was hurt because I was afraid to see the results. Well I sucked it up this morning and stood on the scale. Let's recap shall we?

Starting Weight: 

June 11th 2012 - 119 kg (262.4 lbs)

Last Weigh In:

August 20th, 2012 - 107.2kg (236.3 lbs)


October 1st, 2012 - 107.5kg (237 lbs)

I'll take it! I'm so glad I am still on course. I was so worried I was gaining some K's but obviously not! Maybe I am learning something about proper nutrition. I know it shows a weight gain but I have ran about 4 times in the last 4 weeks. What a relief. I think I will celebrate with some stir fried  veggies and a diet coke!

We need to learn to celebrate things that don't seem worth celebrating. Not to patronize ourselves but to remember it is the little things that can make the biggest difference. I feel a lot of love and support from my friends and family and that helps more than I even realize. Now...let's see if I can still be on course for the BKK Marathon.


  1. Well done dude. Hope this result will keep you on the scale to do more tracking. I must confess that I too weigh myself but I am a chicken and have not written down or made it public. Its time to take my own advice and track track track.

  2. Am tracking but not been making public. Happy to now.

    Joe you've done brilliantly, after injury to not gain weight, and to lose12 kg in just 2 months is phenomenal. I want to lose 12kg from now too - but don't think it will happy by end of this year.

    Great Guy! Well done!

  3. there is something about making it public. I post my weight every monday. It holds me accountable to myself and my friends. Join me? Monday morning weigh in's! Just post them some time in the day.
