Monday, June 18, 2012

Sunday Madness and Monday Morning Weigh In

Ok. So I dont blog on Sundays. it doesn't mean I wasn't busy though. I met with the Bangkok Running Club for the first time yesterday. What a great bunch of guys...and girl. Everyone was at different levels so it made for a good time of running. Everyone had someone to run with most of the time.
They wanted to do about 15k (9 miles or so). I was game to do about 10k of that, That would have been more running than I had ever done in Bangkok. As I was coming around my 4th lap where I wanted to finish I came across our group leader. He encouraged me to stick with him for one more lap (1.5 miles). The goal was 6 laps total. When him and I got around to finish 5 there was the crew at the drink stand encouraging us on. Good people. So we decided to push it one more lap. Yes we walked and ran. It was good to mix it up. Hey, I'm not marathon training yet. I got about 5 more weeks for that.
So sure enough I covered a distance of 9.56 miles (15.38532864000827 km). Thank you online converter. It was a real sense of accomplishment. Sure my body aches today. Better than aching from a bad night drinking or eating too much.
Which brings me today. After a week of eating vegetarian (90% anyways) and a good week of exercise, I was hoping to lose at least 1/2 a kilo. Well I stood on the scale today. Last week I weighed in at 119 kg. Today I weighed in at...115.6kg!!! Wow! Blown away. That's 3.4kg or 7.5 lbs. I am more than pleased. It lets me know I am on the right track. Now on to the next week.
Week 1 weight: 119kg (261.8 lbs)
Current weight: 115.6 (254.3 lbs)
Target: 91kg (200lbs)

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