Friday, June 29, 2012

Not Feeling It

You ever say that? "I'm not feeling it." I felt that way this whole week but especially this morning. I woke up with the full intention of doing no form of exercise whatsoever. But after seeing my wife and son off for school I strapped on the ol' running shorts and off I went.

I went my usual route back by the Naval Welfare Complex. It was so hot. At 7:00am it was in the high 80's. I did my thing, looking at my Garmin as I ran just thinking it was off or re-calibrating every time I looked at it. When I finished my 3 miles I stopped the Garmin and was shocked at what I saw. I ran my fastest 3 miles of the week. It taught me a valuable lesson.

The lesson I learned is that I could have a good day or a bad day but if I never try, I would never know. The choice to go is the choice of the journey. I could have gone out today and flamed out in 2 miles. Could've happened. Or I could have an average run and be done. Or I could have run my best run of the week. You know what would have happened if I chose not to go? Nothing.

Life is full of choices. We can choose to push through "not feeling it" and see what happens on the other side. Good or bad, you did it. You chose it. That is the adventure of life. Choosing to do something. If we choose nothing, we get exactly that. Choose to do something. Choose life. I think of what Jesus said, "I have come that you may have life and have it to the full." That means the whole roller coaster. The good, the bad, the ugly. Life fully lived. I want that. Maybe I am making too big a deal of taking 7 seconds off a mile but I don't think so.

Today Choose Life.

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