Monday, July 30, 2012

Unsolicited Advice & Monday Morning Weigh In

I had to run to Cambodia on Saturday with the family. It is a long boring trip filled with bad snacks and worse movies, but hey, we made it and it's done. Along the way I was sitting in front of a guy who felt he was very smart...and loud. We stopped at a 7-11 and I was buying a Coke Zero when out of no where he says to me, "You know that's not really healthy right?"... Ok.

I think you all know where I am going with this. Nobody wants unsolicited advice. Whether it is health, life, faith, finance, whatever. If you didn't ask, you probably don't need or want my input. Look I know I probably shouldn't be drinking Coke Zero. I will probably go blind or glow in the dark or something. I know it. You don't have to tell me...YOU DON'T HAVE TO TELL ME. You know what it made me want to do? Go buy a 2 liter of it and drink the whole thing in his presence. But you know what, that is my character flaw. That isn't at all how I should react. All I did was shrug my shoulders and say, "I'm thirsty." And then walk away.

I think there are 2 important lessons here.
  1. Nobody wants advice not asked for or at least advice from someone they haven't given permission to give it. I take advice from good friends and spiritual mentors. I am part of a running club and love getting advice from them. We have camaraderie and are all trying to improve. It's all good, but if some dude I don't know stops me going around the park and offers me his "best running tip" or I run into a "fat" evangelist (skinny person giving fat person they don't know unsolicited advice)...yeah I ain't listening. So I know people give unsolicited advice for a variety of reasons but my best advice is just...don't.
  2. Be gracious. I could've been more gracious to the guy offering the advice instead of just sort of blowing him off. Usually, people mean well. Be gracious because you know we are all guilty of this at some point in our lives. They are loved by God and are flawed like I am. Cut them some slack. Smile, say thank you and go on.
Monday Morning Weigh In:

Starting Weight: 119kg (261.8 lbs)
Last Week: 110.5kg (243.1 lbs) I gained 1.5lbs last week.
This Week: 109.2kg (240.2 lbs) -2.9 lbs Thank you very much! Pleased? Yes. Excited!

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